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Analysis of the development trend of the textile industry in 2020!

Release date:2020-06-06 Popularity:1029

Analysis of the development trend of the textile industry in 2020!


In 2019, the overall prosperity of the textile industry was in the expansion range, and the textile industry prosperity index in the fourth quarter of 2019 was 55.2. In 2019, the industry's prosperity and the start of production were basically stable, and the textile industry's prosperity was generally in the expansion range.


In 2020, the external situation facing China's textile industry will become more complicated and severe, the global spread of the new crown epidemic, the complex situation of increasing global economic risk points, and domestic structural problems still exist.


The new crown pneumonia epidemic has not only caused domestic economic losses to textile companies, but also caused companies to face the loss of foreign trade orders and intensified international competition.
